No. III. Philippine Islands. Handbooks on the Missions of the Episcopal Church. National Council of the Protestant Episcopal Church Department of Missions. 1923.
National Council of the Protestant Episcopal Church Department of Missions
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PD-US-expiredPublic domain in the United States//
The depicted Philippine architecture, 3D public art, or other freedom of panorama (FoP)-reliant work is in public domain because:
it is an architectural work completed prior to 15 грудня 1972;
it is a sculpture, monument, or other artistic work created before 15 грудня 1972 and was not registered, or an artistic work created before 1942 and which its copyright was not renewed; and/or
it is an architecture completed on or after 15 грудня 1972 or an another type of artistic work not meeting the second criterion, whose author or last-surviving author (e.g. the architect or sculptor) has been deceased for 50 years or more (therefore its copyright protection expired).
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