The Judy and Ian McPhee collection includes 150 items made by a young Australian woman, Muriel McPhee, between 1916 and 1918 in preparation for her wedding and subsequent married life. Muriel was not officially engaged, but it is thought the man Muriel intended to marry died in France during the First World War. She never married, spending her life working on the family farm with her brother and maintaining her interest in sewing. Her trousseau, unused and carefully stored, was found after her death in the 1980s. The trousseau is a poignant reminder of the ripple effect of war, even at a great distance. It illustrates the emotional ties severed by the First World War and is an expression of one young Australian woman’s expectations of a marriage – expectations that were packed away when that marriage did not eventuate.
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зазначення авторства – Ви повинні вказати авторство, надати посилання на ліцензію і вказати, чи якісь зміни було внесено до оригінального твору. Ви можете зробити це в будь-який розсудливий спосіб, але так, щоб він жодним чином не натякав на те, наче ліцензіар підтримує Вас чи Ваш спосіб використання твору. BY 3.0 auCreative Commons Attribution 3.0 autruetrue
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