Boris Kryštufek, Masaharu Motokawa: Talpidae (Moles, Desmans, Star-nosed Moles and Shrew Moles). In: Don E. Wilson und Russell A. Mittermeier (Ed.): Handbook of the Mammals of the World. Volume 8: Insectivores, Sloths, Colugos. Lynx Edicions, Barcelona 2018, p. 616, ISBN978-84-16728-08-4
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== {{int:filedesc}} == {{Information |description=''Mogera insularis'' {{de|1=Verbreitungskarte des {{Wd|Chinesischer Inselmaulwurf|Chinesischen Inselmaulwurfs}}}} {{en|Distribution map of the {{W|Insular mole}}}} |source={{Own using}} * Boris Kryštufek, Masaharu Motokawa: ''Talpidae (Moles, Desmans, Star-nosed Moles and Shrew Moles).'' In: Don E. Wilson und Russell A. Mittermeier (Ed.): ''Handbook of the Mammals of the World.'' Volume 8: ''Insectivores, Sloths, Colugos.'' Lynx Edicions,...
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